Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Overcoming Fear Using Mind Control: Cecil Flynn

Overcoming Fear Using Mind Control
By Cecil Flynn

Fear is something that all men have in common. It is a feeling that has been developed since the days when people fight by throwing stones at each other. By choosing not to fight and running away from danger, our ancestors are, in effect safeguarding their safety. This same fight or flee instinct remains with us until today and it still serves to remind us of the dangers that we are facing. It prevents us from doing something dangerous just to know how it feels like. It is one of our natural instincts that keep us alive. The problem lies when we allow fear to control us. Hence it is important that you know of ways in overcoming fear.

Fear is a paralyzing feeling. It can prevent you from doing even those things that are beneficial to you. The key to overcoming fear is to understand it. What are the kinds of fears that you have? Are they logical or are they just a product of your imagination? What are the factors that are causing your fears? What are the results if you allow your fear to control you? Will they be good for you or would they put you deeper into misery? To understand whatever fear you are feeling, you must get down to the bottom of things. Once you understand the basic cause, it will be easier for you to cope with whatever negative feelings you have.

It has been frequently noted that determination plays a major role in overcoming fear. But its strength differs in different individuals. For those who have a very strong determination, it can be enough to overcome whatever fears they are feeling. But there are persons who just do not have enough determination to do it, even if they know that fear is pulling them down already. The trick here is to feel your fear instead of preventing it. Imagine it as a rope that ties you down. Then get a scissor, cut it and let yourself free. This is a kind of mental conditioning which will help you limit the effects of fear. By imagining yourself free from fear, you are actually conditioning your mind to become more relaxed.

Overcoming fear does not happen overnight. You might spend weeks or months before you can have more control over it. But by taking the steps to control it, you are on your way to taking command of your senses.

Article Taken From: http://ezinearticles.com/?Overcoming-Fear-Using-Mind-Control&id=4039783

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