Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Powerful Quotes from "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"

It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set’ for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.
~ T. Harv Eker 

The first thing I did was commit to my success and playing to win. I swore I would focus and not even consider leaving this business until I was a millionaire or more. This was radically different from my previous efforts, where, because I always thought short-term, I would constantly get side-tracked by either good opportunities or when things got tough.
~ T. Harv Eker 

A lack of money is never, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on underneath.
~ T. Harv Eker 

Whatever results you’re getting, be they rich or poor, good or bad, positive or negative, always remember that your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If things aren’t going well in your outer life, it’s because things aren’t going well in your inner life. It’s that simple.
~ T. Harv Eker 

It’s simple arithmetic: “Your income can grow only to the extent you do.”
~ T. Harv Eker 

For the next seven days, I challenge you not to complain at all.
~ T. Harv Eker

You can be a victim or you can be rich, but you can’t be both. Listen up! Every time, and I mean every time, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting your financial throat.
~ T. Harv Eker 

The by-product is that they more people you help, the “richer” you become, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and definitely financially.
~ T. Harv Eker

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