Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret and The Power

Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne

Creator of The Secret and The Power 

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Any words you speak have a frequency, and the moment you speak them they are released into the Universe. The law of attraction responds to all frequencies, and so it is also responding to the words that you speak. When you use very strong words, such as "terrible", "shocking" and "horrible" to describe any situation in your life, you are sending out an equally strong frequency, and the law of attraction must respond by bringing that frequency back to you.
The law is impersonal, and simply matches your frequency. Do you see how important it is for you to speak strongly about what you want, and not to use strong words about what you don't want?
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

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