Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

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Mind Power 365

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Should Christians Use The Law Of Attraction? By Mike Martinez

Should Christians Use The Law Of Attraction?
by Mike Martinez

Thousands of emails poured into Oprah Winfrey's website after the February 8th show featuring "The Secret" and the law of attraction. Many wondered whether it was right for a person to use the law of attraction to direct their lives. Many Christians asked if it was a sin to use this law.
The law of attraction and the bible :

The bible is accepted by many to be an inspired collection of historical facts connecting man and God. Throughout the bible, in both the old and new testaments, the law of attraction can be clearly seen in action.
Before we look closer into biblical examples, lets refresh our minds as to what the law of attraction is. This universal law states that like attracts like. On a deeper level it proves that everything in the universe is energy. Since thought is a form of energy, anything you focus on with strong emotional intent, feelings and concentration, you eventually bring into your existence. Like attracts like.
Therefore if you focus or energize your thoughts with pictures of poverty and lack, that is what you attract. If you concentrate your thoughts on health and wellbeing, by the law of attraction you must bring into existence health and wellbeing.

The book of Genesis tells a great story that proves the law of attraction. Joseph was a young farm boy when he got a dream of being a great King. Of all of Jacobs kids, Joseph was the least likely to become King.
He was the youngest of the family. He had no leadership skills. Even his father and brothers couldn't see Joseph being a King.
But none of that made a shred of difference because Joseph held the thought of becoming a great leader in his mind so persistently it eventually came to be. Although he suffered numerous setbacks, he held firm to his belief, he held onto that dream until he became the great leader he saw in his mind.
That is the law of attraction in action.
The law of attraction doesn't only work on bring us good. Anything we give our energized thoughts to, and by energized we are specifically meaning emotionalized thoughts, thoughts mixed with strong emotions like excitement, love, fear, anxiety, these will super-charge thought energy and set the law of attraction in motion.

A clear example of this can be seen in Job 3:25 when he said, "Because a dreadful thing I have dreaded, it has come upon me. And what I have been scared of comes to me."

A Christian view

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. In one of his famous sermons Jesus directed his followers to ask for what they want with the faith and belief that they already had it. In fact he said anything that you ask for in a spirit of faith and belief you would get.
Again, this is the law of attraction in action.

A double edge sword
Like the law of electricity, the law of attraction is a double edge sword. It can be used for success or failure. Electricity can light up a city and provide much needed energy, or it can snuff out life. Everything is dependent on how we conform to it's principles of use.

Did God design electricity? Did he put it in place for our use? Can it be used for a good outcome or a bad one? Yes, Yes and Yes! Gravity is a natural law. Yet if you don't use it as it was intended you could fall off a building or a cliff to a disastrous end. However God's intent was for it to serve us. So it is with the law of attraction.
It's interesting to see nature at work. When a seed is placed in the soil it doesn't contain everything it needs to grow and flourish. But by the law of attraction it draws to itself water, minerals and all else it needs to blossom. This is the wonder and beauty of this amazing law.
We as humans have a great ability no other life on earth has. The ability to think. A mind with free will. Yet another gift of God.
You have the power to design your life and the free will to design it as you wish. Just as God intended. What we must all realize is that the law of attraction will not cease to exist simply because we do not believe in it, or we refuse to utilize it. It has always been there and will always be.

Our only intelligent option is to begin applying it for our growth and betterment. Why not use the law of attraction to be a better Christian? Why not tap into this powerful law of nature to praise it's creator? This truly is the only intelligent option.

Author's Bio
Mike Martinez has been featured in national home business magazines and countless e-forums and ezines. He is a professional Network Marketer residing in Southern New Jersey.
Mr. Martinez is an avid personal development coach and home business trainer.
Learn about how you can develop the life of your dreams and a multiple six figure income from home.
Visit his site at www.incomesunlimited.com/mikemartinez

To contact Mike email him at mikemartinezsr@verizon.net

1 comment:

  1. The book "the secret" is so far from christianity it is obvious to the christian! The book of Genisis will not give any account or reference to an idea of thinking something into existance. Joseph's dream wasn't his own desire, it was Gods plan for Josephs life! HUGE diference. God is not interested in making people wealthy. There are so many scriptures to back this up. God is interested in your salvation. He gave his only Son for your sins and if you truly understand this that is the wealth and prosperity God promises!


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