Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Monday, June 14, 2010

Attracting the Perfect Relationship

Attracting the Perfect Relationship
By: Lotus Essence

One of the things that we most desire in this world is to be loved. The desire for a loving partner to share our existence and life experiences with are, for most people, one of their top priorities in life. From a very young age, we are conditioned to believe that finding that perfect mate will greatly enhance our life and make us happy. Can the Law of Attraction be used to draw that perfect union to us that we so desire? Well of course it can. But before I get into specific details, it’s important that I qualify some expectations regarding finding love. First and foremost, contrary to what most of us have been led to believe, finding love does not make us happy. There is no such thing as “finding” love. We are love and love exists within us effortlessly. The only love that truly brings us happiness is not found “out there” in another human. That love exists right inside of us. This important key is unfortunately what keeps us from truly finding that special person to share our lives with. People are looking for someone to complete them, fix the, make them whole, make them feel special, and make them happy. The reality is, if you don’t already feel those things on your own then therein lies the problem. No one is meant to complete another. We have to come to the table already whole. The goal of a successful relationship is two whole people coming together and enhancing each others’ lives.

Our relationships are a reflection of our inner self. And this is where the Law of Attraction comes into play. If you’re involved in a relationship right now and there are things about your partner that you don’t particularly like, then those are qualities in yourself that you need to work on within. Sounds crazy huh? I can tell you definitively that it isn’t. The people in our lives are mirrors of our inner selves. So if your look at your mate and think that they are lazy, doesn’t fulfill you emotionally, or any other thing you dislike, then it’s time to do a self assessment. The assignment is to take a look at how you are internally projecting your issues onto the other person and causing them to manifest. Stay with me now. We can never control how other people behave. Nor can we change others. We can however change ourselves. When you start to work on you and make improvements for the better, the people around you will either change or naturally move out of your life. It just happens naturally and t is for the greater good of all. If you are not in sync or in alignment spiritually with your partner, then it doesn’t serve either person. One thing that must always be remembered, is that you have to honor your soul.

Okay so now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about how you can attract that perfect mate. The first step is loving yourself (already covered). The second thing is you have to be absolutely clear about what it is you are wanting. Not only should you be clear, you also need to be very specific. Sometimes it is difficult for us to know exactly what it is we want. I love journaling and making lists, as it keeps me focused on the task at hand and sends out your emotional vibrations to the Universe. So start with a list of things that you do not want. That will usually be a lot easier as we have past experiences to draw from. Start with a sheet of paper with two columns. On the left will be all of the qualities that you do not want. On the right side of each corresponding entry, simply write the opposite. For example, on the “do not want” column you have, “an abusive person”. In the opposite column you would write something like, “loving, supportive partner”. Once you have finished your list, then create a new list of all of the entries in the “do want” column and discard the original list. This is one exercise that will help you to get clear and specific about what qualities you would like in a mate. I would recommend making this list as long as you like and very specific. If you’re concerned about physical attributes, then by all means, include those as well. You are only limited to your imagination.

Another great idea that I read in one of my books is writing a love letter to your soul mate. Ensure that you are in a light-hearted loving state of mind when doing this exercise. You cannot attract anything good from a place of desperation. Draft your letter and act as if this person already existed, because they do. You are simply aligning your energy with the energy of that person that is a perfect vibrational match for you. Be free with your words, thoughts, and ideas. And be very romantic. This exercise triggers emotions and feelings inside of you that align with the partner you are wanting. And remember, our point of attraction is how we feel.

These exercises that I’ve shared with you are just examples of ways to shift our vibrations so that we align ourselves with our desire and actively put ourselves in that attraction mode. They are not necessary for attracting an ideal or perfect mate, but just ways that you can put the energy out there into the Universe. I promise you that if you do, at least those things, you will start to see results. You may find that you will need to go back and make adjustments to initial desires as people start to manifest into your life.

The key is to have fun. One of my favorite affirmations is, “I am perfect, whole and complete”. In the process of finding your mate, I believe this should be like a mantra. Remember, you are not looking for someone to fix you or complete you. You are looking for someone that is a perfect vibrational match for you, who together you can co-create a wonderful life. You should not be coming from a place of desperation or neediness. And whatever you get will always be in perfect alignment with the energy you are exuding. Have fun, don’t take it too seriously, and detach yourself from the outcome. If what shows up is not what you want, chalk it up to experience, work on you and keep it going. The common denominator in every relationship you experience is you. It is possible for all of us to experience joy and happiness in a relationship, but we must first ensure that our relationship with ourselves is our first priority. Life is a journey that reflects our inner soul. Allow yourself to have experiences, learn from them and grow. We are all capable of having the love we desire. Be easy with yourself, love yourself, and it will be impossible for others not to love you as well.

In Light and Love,


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