Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Visualize Yourself to Success

How to Visualize Yourself to Success
By: jsscouter

Visualize yourself to success
Have you heard how athletes visualize their success. They can see the outcome of an event before it happens. They can see themselves hitting a home run or scoring a touchdown or making a last second basket to win the game. How is that possible? How can you visualize something happening if it has not happened yet? Visualizing your success is not only possible but easy to do. This article will provide you with some easy steps to visualize yourself to success.

Things You'll Need:
Vision board (cardboard, pick up at arts and craft section or school supplies section)

Step 1

The first step is to believe that visualizing yourself to success will work. If you have any doubt then it will be difficult to accomplish. You must believe that visualizing yourself to success will work. You will run into doubters and skeptics but hold steadfast in believing that visualizing yourself to success does work. Remind yourself daily that visualizing yourself to success does work. Say it each morning when you get out of bed and each evening prior to going to sleep.

Step 2

Visualize Fitness GoalsIdentify the one or two successes that you plan to achieve. For example, many people plan to join a gym, lose weight, read more, find a job. Using these as examples, you will want to focus on one to two at a time. The others can wait for now. Until you become successful at visualizing yourself to success, only focus on one to two.

Step 3

Visualize Job GoalsUsing the examples above, lose weight and find a job, begin to visualize what success looks like to you. Would you visualize yourself successful if you lost 5, 10, 15 pounds? How would you look? Is there a dress or a suit that would fit you better after losing that weight? Would heads turn as you walk by? Would you visualize yourself successful if you found any job or a specific job? Can you visualize yourself doing that job? Can you visualize yourself looking forward to going to work?

Step 4

As you visualize yourself to success with these two successes, create a vision board. A vision board is images of what success looks like to you. Tape the images on to a white cardboard. You may use the image of someone that closely resembles the success you want to achieve or you can use your own images. Or you can be creative and make up images (ie, your face on the body of a model). Put a few images on your vision board. Does not need to contain too many. Put the vision board in an area where you will see it every day. The visual images of what success looks like to you will help you visualize yourself to success.

Step 5

The key step in visualizing yourself to success is believing it works and constantly seeing what success looks like to you. As you visualize success more and more each day, you will naturally take the steps towards achieving those goals. For example, parents visualize their children growing up, getting married, and being successful. In the end it happens as they visualized it would. Another example is weddings, women plan (visualize) what the wedding will look like, how everything will appear, how the wedding party will look, etc. In the end it happens as they visualized.

Step 6

Visualization is such a powerful tool that each of us has within us. Just believe in yourself that it works and you will visualize yourself to success every day for the rest of your life.

Positive People, Positive Thinking, Positive Results!

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