Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Your most powerful thought?

Your most powerful thought?

Question From N: Can you tell me which was your most powerful thought?

Answer from Mind Power: With God all things are possible

Response from N: I was thinking it would be a big one and some encouraging

Response from Mind Power: That is the biggest one you could ever have and should encourage you very much. There's nothing you can't do with him. There's no mistake, no situation, no problem that he cant help you with....when you truly realize that it opens the door for abundance, happiness, success, health, and all good. Sometimes we look for some big complicated answer to solve our life's problems.....but most of the time the simplest answer is the right one and it usually is right in front on you.

Conclusion: With God all things are possible and that's the answer to just about every question

God Bless!


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