Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today Your Life is Changing!

Today Your Life is Changing! 
Today the right people are beginning to come into your life. The right doors are beginning to open for you that you could never get to open before. Your mind is constantly focused on Positive Things. You are refusing to get caught up in gossip. If you cannot speak kindly about someone you are not saying anything at all about them. You are forgiving all those who have wronged you. You are being noticed now by people who can promote you, people who can help you get to where you need to go. You are confident, full of courage, and overflowing with happiness inside. This happiness is shinning on your face and carrying over into all that you do. People want to be around you now, they enjoy your company. You are saing the right words at the right time to the right people with the right mind set. Your soulmate is moving closer to finding you. You are healing and getting better everyday. You are grateful and thankful for everything in your life. You have a positive energy just building up intensly inside of you. You are being yourself now and letting go of the status quo. You feel much better now in your own skin. A big promotion is coming, the right job is coming to you. Your debt is already starting to be repaid it has been set in motion. The chains and bondages of debt are being broken, you are no longer bound. You are not worried anymore, your Faith is increasing. God’s favor is on you…believe! Everything you do or touch turns to good. You are making wise decisions in all areas of your life. You are getting along with your spouse, you both are communicating now. The love and apssion has been restored. You are excited to get up in the morning now. You are seeing oppurtunity where you never saw it before. Money is coming to your easily frequently and abundantly now. You have become a money magnet. You are thinking like a Millionaire and acting like a Millionaire. You are helping more people now. You are sincerely more caring inside for others now and not afraid to show it. You stand up for what is right. You are a person of character and integrity now. People trust you and put you in leadership roles now. You are beginning to see a little change in your life every day it’s getting better and better! God is leading you in the right direction and you are listening. You are dressing like success, walking like success, and becoming a success. There is nothing you can’t do now in your new state of mind. You are a Positive Person, Thinking Positive Thoughts, Getting Positive Results!  Mind Power 365

TODAY YOUR LIFE IS CHANGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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