Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Are You Expecting?

What Are You Expecting?


“...Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”
(Psalm 81:10, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria Osteen

One way we “close our mouths” so to speak, is by choosing negative thoughts. If you go around thinking, “Well, I don’t think I’ll ever meet my sales goals this year with the economy like it is”; or “I don’t think I’ll ever get promoted because I’m not that qualified”; or “I don’t think I’ll ever get well,” then the problem is that your mouth is barely open. But Jesus said, “According to your faith it will be done unto you.” He might as well have said, “If you’ve got a cup, I’ll fill you with a cup’s worth of blessing. If you’ve got a bucket, I’ll fill you with a bucket’s worth of blessing.” I believe He is asking us to take the limits off our thinking, and believe for supernatural opportunities. Why don’t you go out each day expecting increase and promotion? If you’ll go out each day expecting far-and-beyond favor, if you’ll “open wide your mouth,” you won’t be disappointed. He’ll fill your cup until it overflows so that you can live the abundant life He has in store for you!


Heavenly Father, I come to You today, giving You all that I am. I trust that You have a plan for my good. I trust that You are opening doors that no one can shut. I open myself to You and thank You for filling me with You today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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