Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10 Law of Attraction Tips To Get You In The Flow : By Ian Marshall

10 Law of Attraction Tips To Get You In The Flow

Law of Attraction Tips

Law of Attraction Tips – Part 1

This is Part One of Ten in a Law of Attraction Series that will be completed over the next couple of weeks.

10 Law of Attraction Tips

  1. It’s OK to want, to be and to have more.
    The Universe seeks expression. That expression happens through you. Like Marianne Wilson said, “Your playing small does not serve the world.” It’s your dreams and accomplishments that inspire others to try to share the best of themselves with the world.
  2. Don’t worry so much about the how.
    Just begin to take action now. What is one small step that you can take right now that’ll move you closer to your goal?
  3. Get in alignment with your desires by being it now.
    You want to be rich then start respecting the laws of money. You want to attract your soul mate then start to be lovable now. You want a new job well be grateful for the one you have now.
  4. Alignment is done through harmony.
    Your thoughts, words and action create that harmony. Listen to how you speak. Pay attention to how you act. And notice that type of inner chatter that’s happening within your mind now.
  5. Go-givers get more.
    Nature is always giving of herself. She works from a place of abundance. Knowing well that there will always be more. So what have you given today?
  6. The Universe will conspire in your favor.
    The more you come into vibrational alignment with your desire the more “coincidences” you’ll encounter. Act on those moments.
  7. Desire is the fuel to move you to your goal.If your dream or goal doesn’t inspire you then when the going gets tough you’ll give up on those dreams. So make sure that you’re really revved up about what you’re going for.
  8. Energy needs to be focused to be effective.Don’t try to do ten things at once. What is the most important thing that you can do today that will move you closer to your dream?
  9. Getting clear on what you want sets the Law of Attraction in motion.
    If you don’t know where to go then the energy won’t know where to flow.
  10. Allow yourself to dream.
    Don’t let the past determine your future. Now is the bouncing off place for so much more. The past lead you to this moment and it’s in this moment that you can guide yourself toward your future.
The Law of Attraction Ten TipsBe Inspirational!

Article Taken from: http://ianpaulmarshall.com/law-of-attraction-tips-part-one/

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