Mind Power 365 (The Blessed Factory)


Mind Power 365

Mind Power 365
Mind Power 365

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Law of Attraction: 4 Manifesting Tips

The Law of Attraction: 4 Manifesting Tips

Mastering the law of attraction takes practice. It’s not like were taught about the law of attraction in school. It’s something that we stumble upon when we’re ready. Or it’s a power we discover through insight. Or we’re taught the law of attraction through a friend,  a book or movie.
However you’ve come to know the law of attraction in your life the truth is we usually need a little help with it at first. Some tips and tricks to get in the flow of co-creating.

Here are 4 tips to help you manifest your desires with the law of attraction:

  1. Get Clear
    Get clear on what it is that you really want to attract into your life. Determine exactly what it is. We tend to work from a place of knowing to clearly what we don’t want. Turn that around and discover what you DO want.
  2. Do It Daily
    After you’ve gotten clear and what it is that you want to manifest using the law of attraction you can’t just think about it once and be done with it. You’ve got to vision it daily. The more you focus on what it is you want you create a field around you that get’s stronger and stronger.
  3. Act As If
    Acting as if energizes your field of influence. The reality you’re trying to create externally has already been created internally. An alignment happens. This then draws into your life the people and opportunities you need to manifest your dreams.
  4. Take Action
    Start to take action now. And be ready to pounce on opportunities when they arise. Don’t be blind about it though. Be wise and use your intuition so that you’re not making rash decisions. But don’t let fear paralyze you from moving forward.
I hope these law of attraction tips help you unleash the greatness that sleeps within you.
Have any tips that have been working for you? Please share them below.
“Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it
will bring back – a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.”
Anaïs Nin
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Article Taken from: http://ianpaulmarshall.com/the-law-of-attraction-tips/

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